Despite the forecast predicting rain, the weather turned out to be a balmy 11 degrees and sunny. So I decided to have my maiden 2010 outdoor road ride. The ride was a 75km one way from Guelph to Mississauga. More or less downhill most of the way, with the exception of one steep hump to get over the escarpment.
Usually this ride is very quick and not very tiring. Prevailing northwest winds in conjunction with the downhill nature of the route usually ensure that I can average at least 35km/h.
However, the epic warm front meant that the winds were a steady 20km/h from the southeast. It ended up conveniently being a very good LT workout. On the due east HR was bang on where it should be for the hard intervals, and then on the due south intervals I worked hard to keep it at the required intensity for the 'off' interval.
As I approached the one major climb in the area, it became very evident that my top end power needs work. My legs were killing me! I think its time to work in some of those zone 5 interval workouts that the testing coach recommended. Ive scribbled in some Rattlesnake Point hill repeats for Wednesday since Im based out of Oakville for the next little while.
Time for the weigh in...
I weighed in (prior to the ride) at 154.0 lbs. No huge weight loss this week.. but I'd be lying if I said I didnt expect this. As you can see from past posts, Ive fought off a mild cold.. took a few days off and allowed myself to recover. A stable weight makes sense.
My first day back at Cyclepath is tomorrow. Im gonna be working with buddies I havent seen in ages. Should be fun.
Then Wednesday.. Rattlesnake Hill repeats. uggh.