Brasstown Fail x2

On our last day, the weather was better than ever. About 18 degrees and sunny. For the first time this week, I was able to shun my booties, baselayer and winter gloves for something much more comfortable.

At around 10am, I threw down some more coffee and hit the road.


Our plan was to do 6 gap which would provide us with 11,000 feet of climbing. However we found out that the past week's poor weather meant that the largest of the gaps was closed due to snow. We made an altered route that would have us climbing Neel's gap twice as well as Brasstown which we hoped would be clear by now.

We rode at an easy pace for most of the ride to save our legs for Brasstown. We arrived at Brasstown to find that it was much clearer than the last time we went.

We managed to get up to the 4000ft mark, before it once again became too cold and snowy. Too bad. We really wanted to conquer this beast.


We finished off, tacking on another 70k or so, to bring our ride total to close to 140k. No century, no brasstown.. but a good time nonetheless.
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