Brasstown Fail. But 5000ft of Climbing instead..

Gorgeous skies and a 'balmy' 6 degrees allowed us to ride out to Brasstown Bald today. In order to get there we would have to conquer a couple climbs at easy pace in order to leave something in the gas tank for B-Town. The two climbs leading up to Brasstown were fairly uneventful. We kept our heart rates down as best we could and made it up.

Of course, keeping your heart rate down on hills of Georgia's caliber meant i was sitting close to my functional threshold. Mike's powertap read anywhere from 250 watts to 325... his bike+body is bike+body is 82kg so I assume I was pushing maybe 275-350. (loose calculations off of

We arrived at Brasstown, threw down a gel. Tossed some extra gear to the side to pick up later, since every lb saved makes the ascent easier.

The climb was difficult, but i knew my pacing limits and I stuck to them. As we got higher, it got cooler. As it got cooler, there was more snow. Pretty soon there were snow patches on the road. We marched on until it became like this:


At this point, our tires would slip on the steeper we had to turn back. We'll wait until Saturday to try this again...

As a consolation prize we decided to hit one other climb, and then finish off with the 3gap route that we persevered through in the snow, earlier in the week. All in all, a good ride.

I think we're gonna take tomorrow off, as my heart rate numbers seem to hint at some overtraining/exhaustion. Numbers aside, my legs hurt.. you dont need a graph or powermeter to tell you to take it easy.
