After my dismal performance on the hills the other day, I decided to take stock of what needed to be done.
So I went out for a 60k road ride in which i would benchmark my maximum power output for various times.
When I started, my numbers were depressingly low, however, after a very long warmup, the rust came off and remnants of my old race form came to be.
All my numbers were 20-30 watts off their peak which I expected. However, my threshold numbers werent as bad as I thought they would be. Phew.
The plan is to iron out another 2hr high intensity ride today in which im going to benchmark my 1min, and 5min values. The weather although still nice, has hinted that there arent too many beautiful ride days I should probably get out there while i still can.
I have signed up at a local boxing gym for the winter, with the hopes of whipping my core and other neglected parts into shape. Its also a good opportunity to mix it up. Boxing is a wicked cardio demand, and should bridge the gap between when base season starts again.